Blind navigation

With the app, anyone can try to use the cellphone without sight just by using gestures on the screen and hearing. The user is accompanied by a small firefly that explains how to control the app.

Involving the disabled

The app was made possible by visually impaired musicians that had composed and played all the songs and by our blind colleague who came up with the user interface.

Unique user interface

The application goes beyond all existing standards in the user interface design. User's journey through the app has been engineered by our programmers completely from the ground up to be fun for the blind and the ones that do see.
- Origin -

When a developer
meets a musician..

No, that's not the beginning of a joke but the start of the tale of how Relax in the dark came to life. A quartet of promising musicians met with experienced developers from the studio MasterAPP in November under the baton of  visually impaired Rachel Skleničková, recorded original relaxation melodies and created an app that is easily navigated by the visually impaired as well as those who see. Take a look at our video to see how exactly the application came to be.

- Solution -

A different kind of programming

The creation of the user interface was handled by the expert of experts - our blind colleague, programmer Roman Kabelka who was also the inspiration behind the idea. Along with the team, they developed an app based on the principles of control for the blind and added some basic visual perceptions. The programming was a little different than usual, and the guys most struggled with designing the wheel-shaped gesture. They had to figure out a code that would reliably recognize the gesture even if it was not drawn regularly.

Swift | Java | Media Player

„You’re really great, the songs are amazing and I’d say they’re not only great for relaxation. I use them as great music to listen to while studying for my finals.“

Pavel, student

- Cooperation -

We've been friends for a long time

Relax in the dark is not the first project we've done with Světluška, we've provided the Endowment Fund with technical background in the campaign The app created in cooperation with visually impaired musicians and our developers served as a Christmas present but also as our form of support to Světluška's cause. And certainly not the last.

iOS | Android
- Music -

A quartet of young musicians composed relaxing melodies

Ten original relaxation tracks will transport the listener to hot Kenya, the inacessible landscapes of the Nordic countries or to far China, where they can relax and get carried away by their own imagination.  All the songs were composed by a quartet of visually impaired professional musicians who are passionate about everything they do. Some of the motives of the songs originated directly in the recording studio thanks to improvisation and a spur of the moment inspiration of the young musicians.

Ráchel Skleničková


